Affliction tracking for dummies
I want to understand combat, and I think to truly get it I need to venture into the terrifying hot mess that is the affliction system (and I mean that in the best of ways.)
I get what afflictions are. I get how they work and how they are cured slightly less so. And keeping track of them is a whole different matter. So that's where my questions are going to be oriented.
- I think the basic way of tracking afflictions offensively is to have some kind of list, to which I append afflictions as I hit an enemy with them, and from which I remove afflictions when I notice an enemy eat the cure. Is this correct?
- Will there be a message for every single time an affliction is cured, or are some of them cured "secretly" without some message going out to the room?
- Haemophilia and addiction are both cured by eating nightshade. If I afflicted somebody with both of these, and I see them eat a nightshade, is there a way to know which one was cured? Will it always be cured in the same order for everybody?
- Is there a way to assess precisely what afflictions somebody is currently suffering from? Like DIAG, but for another person?
- With the changes to afflictions in the last few years, are "affliction locks" possible still? Can any class do them? Can Summoner?
- Are there diminishing returns for afflicting in team fights? It seems like there is a "spam damage" tendency but if everybody instead just focused on afflicting 1-2 things, wouldn't you be able to lock people down almost immediately? (I guess if you have enough people to instalock you also have enough people to instaburst).
I imagine I'll have even more questions about this soon. Hopefully the answers here might encourage some other peeps to give this whole thing a try too.
2 - No. Welcome to the only part of Imperian combat that is complex. My suggestion, utilize the 3rd person cures and afflict messages for your first entries into your new system. Bear in mind here that if you aren't paying attention to what your allies are giving your target in a team, you are going to overlap toxins and destroy your own efficiency. To directly answer your question, many times you will just see an opponent eat something, and yes, you must use that one line alone to determine what they cured.
3 - No way to know directly, no. There are a couple afflictions that are always cured first, for the most part though you will always have to use either some real hardcore probability and statistics sorta math, like a couple people have in the past, or you will have to refine your tracking off contextual clues. Maybe you saw them eat maidenhair and you don't know if they are still paralysed or cured metrazol or cured sensitivity. If he moves west, he is not paralysed and so must've cured that. Maybe you didn't see the guy eat kelp, but he has passive healing and he started smoking linseed again. So asthma was cured.
4 - Assassins/renegades have analyse, yes. If you are playing assassin or renegade and actually utilizing that skill to determine your affliction queue, you're basically driving a Lamborghini and keeping it under 35. Takes too long, and they afflict so quickly that your target shouldn't have a large amount of eating to do before locked, so less cures you track, less margin for error. Speed and reset aliases are your friend as an afflicting god.
5 - Yes, possible, no summoners cannot. I mean yes, summoners can, but it is so difficult as to be nearly impossible and with curing speeds for focus and purge at trans I really sort of doubt it, any longer. Summoner however, should not be worried about locking. You should be worried about quickly lowering health and making use of our new enlighten conditions, or get clever with addiction or something if you really want to use affs to supplement your damage.
6 - No, your diminishing return for affliction is affliction overlap. Tracking is what makes or breaks afflicting, if you are good, and you are accurate, and you pay attention to what your allies are doing in teams, you will be that clutch dude everyone wants in their back pocket for shardfalls. If you loop aconite and ciguatoxin and use pre envenoming or pre set macro combinations of toxin attacks, you will never be a real threat.
I've not played for a long time, I may be off some here. Talk to Iluv, Kryss, Septus, Wysrias, people that I've fought with that I know are competent coders and enjoy (at least occasionally) affliction playstyles.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Not all classes have it that easy(Hunter is forced to do a physical and mental each combo, and if the opponent cures impatience(which is on an herb with 0 3p affs), they're going to start focusing random mentals down and you're going to end up with a very inaccurate list unless you probe, get lucky(or get slightly less lucky and use statistics), or let them cure them all while you push on physicals, then start transitioning to mentals again later), but everything that focuses heavily on toxins for their aff power can use 3p affs pretty heavily as a clutch to reduce mis-tracking early in a match.
The problem is that the only affliction information that is reliable are the afflictions you deliver personally or afflictions that have clear and obvious third party messages so that you don't have to rely on reporting and can track them 'real time'.
If you are relying on team tracking over a channel for non-unique messages it's very very easy to end up in situations that go like this:
The vagaries of the internet and G-bot ticks combine to ensure that any kind of reporting that works like this is subject to this kind of thing, so it is only intermittently accurate even under the best conditions. It's somewhat possible to mitigate this with coding, but it's a lot of work for some minor gains.
There's a good reason why your Azefels and Septuses have decided against implementing team tracking, and this is it. It's just not reliable enough.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
If you're a Summoner, you don't need to track rebounding outside of "That idiot smoked a linseed pipe I should probably enlighten them".
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."