Little RP Bites
I love having little interactions like these. I should probably have squeezed @Aeorden a bit more, but I was hankering for lunch 

Aeorden tells you, "Do you have a moment?"
You tell Aeorden Zaridiux, "Yes."
Aeorden tells you, "I'm a metalworker, and I was wondering if you were interested in getting designs for your shop."
Aeorden tells you, "For weaponry and armour and all that."
You tell Aeorden Zaridiux, "What sort of arrangement are you thinking of?"
Aeorden tells you, "Twenty percent of all the profits, and in return, I provide you with metalworking designs for longswords, broadswords, axes, scimitars, any kind of shield and any kind of armour."
You tell Aeorden Zaridiux, "Are you a reliable man, Zaridiux?
Aeorden tells you, "I am. I have some pieces you could take a look at if you were wondering what kind of quality you'd be buying."
You tell Aeorden Zaridiux, "That would be beneficial."
Entering the gates of Stavenn.
Waving ominously, a black flag bearing stripes of indigo and gold rustles listlessly in the wind. An ancient and oversized tome stands upon a regally decorated pedestal here. Lying on the ground, a dirk fashioned from an elk's antler has been left here. The dead body of a Tazi archer has been nailed brutally to the point of a rigid, black cross. There are 3 hazeward stones here. There are 2 elegant white letters here. A massive, sparkling wheel hovers here, a bejeweled arrow pointing straight up from the middle of the wheel. A magnificent flag, emblazoned with the crest of the Empire ripples regally from the columns of the gates. A silver lined letter rests here. A silver plaque with a gold trim and embellished with the crest of Stavenn is permanently planted in front of the gates. A short, stone basin rests upon a pedestal here filled with blood. A pike with the decapitated head of Dreacor has been erected. Sodden mane tangled in wild reeds and cattails, a kelpie stallion lurks here with baleful opalescent eyes. An irate ebon filly stands here on gangly legs, her ears pinned back in a comical yet annoyed manner. An elite Diavlous Knight is manning a netthrower here. He has ninety-seven nets. A pallid stallion stands here idly. A vicious smoke-blue stallion stands here, pawing and stomping ferociously at the ground. There are 2 ravenous hounds here. With a wild look in his eye, a feral paint stallion stands heatedly here as he stomps and paces recklessly. A small black cobra is flaring its hood here. Blazing, wrathful eyes glare through a blackened, scorched chamfron featuring several spikes protruding from the helm. Muscles rippling beneath its ebon coat, a massive shire stands here poised and alert. Enormous azure eyes seemingly following you, a carnivorous obsidian spider prowls the area. Casting a tyranical shadow, a massive two-headed condor gives all a sinister, regal gaze. A massive groomed black stallion stands here proudly, its large form covered in silver battle armour. Calmly gazing upon her surroundings with ice blue eyes, a healthy white mare stands here upon strong legs. A resplendent celestial hovers nearby in stoic silence, exuding a lambent glow. The undead form of Magistrate Onaedan Lokrien is here, listening intently. He wields a Fleshrender battleaxe in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. The undead form of Sir Delra Aracelia, Keeper's Apprentice is here. He is holding a buckler in his left hand. The undead form of Aeorden Zaridiux is here. He wields a strong broadsword in his left hand and a mithril shield in his right. Unfinished trenches have been dug at this location, with wires lying all around.
You see exits leading west, and the ominous gates of Stavenn lie to the east (gate open).
Aeorden gives you a nod of acknowledgement.
You give Aeorden a slow nod.
Aeorden removes a horned veritum helmet.
Aeorden gives a horned veritum helmet to you.
Aeorden removes a crystehl armband of the Suns.
Aeorden gives a crystehl armband of the Suns to you.
Almost exclusively made out of veritum, this piece of metalworking seems to be made by a master metalworker. Layered plates of veritum form the main protection, offering excellent defense against any assault as well as reflecting any available light, giving it the semblance of shining whenever a light source touches its surface. Made to fit a kohdon's skull, it stretches out from the front, covering both jaws in a layer of veritum. At the sides where the jaws connect, a hinge moves the helmet whenever the jaw moves, allowing free speech without difficulty. Stehl fangs have been attached to the sides, making it so that any bite wounds inflicted when the helmet is worn are at least doubled in size. On the top of the helmet, various horns are visible: one on the nose, curving backwards slightly, and two on top of the helmet, above where the eyes would be, the curved horns extending forward. An intricate layer of decorative engravings have been added to the helmet, flowing in a beautiful pattern from top to bottom.
It has 59 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 20 pounds.
A small crafter's mark indicates that the customisation was by Aeorden's design.
It bears the distinctive mark of Aeorden.
You have emoted: Iniar looks over a horned veritum helmet slowly, nodding quietly as he examines the quality of the armour.
Balance Taken: 1.10s
You give a horned veritum helmet to Aeorden.
You open the bevor of your plate helm.
Rasping, you say, "That is fine work, Mr. Zaridiux."
You quickly close the bevor of your plate helm.
Aeorden puts on a horned veritum helmet.
Aeorden nods his head.
Gesturing with his hands, Aeorden Zaridiux says, "The armband, too."
This armband has seemingly been made out of one smooth ingot of crystehl. Any light that hits the surface seems to make it shimmer with the colours of the rainbow, a natural property of the legendary metal used to fashion the armband. Seven gems have been cut and polished reverently, set in a circular fashion with the most methodical precision. Boasting a large sapphire in the center, a diamond, emerald, ruby, obsidian, granite and an orb of pure gold surround it in a circle, each representing a different sun. Tiny cracks are visible around the emerald, and the surface of the gem itself seems dull and unreflective. Small lines of devout prayer flow around the surface of the armband, beseeching the Lord of the Suns to protect anyone who might be wearing it.
It has 66 months of usefulness left.
It weighs 5 ounces.
This will occupy the armband clothing slot.
You give a crystehl armband of the Suns to Aeorden.
Aeorden puts on a crystehl armband of the Suns.
You open the bevor of your plate helm.
Rasping, you say, "Thirty percent."
You quickly close the bevor of your plate helm.
Aeorden's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Aeorden Zaridiux says, "You drive a hard bargain, sir."
You open the bevor of your plate helm.
Rasping, you say, "I am a hard man."
You quickly close the bevor of your plate helm.
You open the bevor of your plate helm.
Rasping, you laughingly say, "Or so they say."
You quickly close the bevor of your plate helm.
Aeorden ponders a bit more before extending his claw and nodding. "Very well."
You nod slowly.
You open the bevor of your plate helm.
Rasping, you say, "Shall I have my lawyers draw up the contracts?"
You quickly close the bevor of your plate helm.
Aeorden Zaridiux says, "Aye. That'd be good."
You open the bevor of your plate helm.
Rasping, you say, "Excellent."
You quickly close the bevor of your plate helm.
You have emoted: Iniar offers Aeorden a large paw in a handshake, a wry smile on his face. "Hopefully this will be a good partnership."
Balance Taken: 1.10s
Aeorden wags his tail behind him and nods, grasping your paw with his claw. "Indeed. I'm sure it will be."
wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Tiger's Eye Tavern
[Me, Evie, Ferriter][Iniar]
You nod your acknowledgement of Ferriter.
Putting an unlit churata into his mouth, you say, "Lots of trouble."
Evie Melloryn says, "I wouldn't mind a sip. It's been a long time since I've drank so
much I was drunk."
You lick your lips.
With a sharp exhalation of breath, Ferriter flops himself down on the ground.
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "And now I am dead."
Evie tilts her head curiously at Ferriter.
Fill glass with wine spam
Examining the glass, you say, "That looks like about a sip.."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says to Evie, "Just drank more in
that second then I have in about eight decades."
You grin mischievously at Ferriter.
Evie gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "Really more like decade and a half."
"Ahah!" Iniar exclaims triumphantly.
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "Most of my decades."
Ferriter flops himself into Iniar's arms, sending him crashing to the ground.
Iniar tickles Evie mercilessly!
Iniar grins mischievously.
You ask Ferriter, "Fishing sandwich turtledove?"
Evie flashes Iniar a joyous smile.
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "Samwich."
Evie Melloryn says to Iniar, "Hi to you too!"
You laughingly say, "Octupus snakeskin eggs."
Evie Melloryn says, "That sounds unappetizing."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says to you, "Flying waffle wiggle sauce."
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "Jellyfish feathered oil."
Evie Melloryn says, "I'm officially lost."
You have emoted: Oystir balls a hand and gently, playfully prods Ferriter with it, as
he says, still laughing, "Sandstorm chocolate-cake oytsers bananas!"
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You say to Ferriter, "But yeah. Wouldn't it be funny if you were that drunk?"
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "Lightning-infused confetti'd shrimp?"
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Iniar shrugs helplessly.
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "Screaming lettuce truffle tosser."
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "I thought we were talking about things that make us happy."
You say to Iniar, "That was unmistakably a description of myself."
Iniar giggles happily.
Evie smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "Whitewashed potato skin."
You have emoted: Oystir flutters his gills in appreciation.
Iniar nods sagely.
Iniar points accusingly at himself.
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "That sounds like an insult."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "Truffle tosser."
Iniar grins mischievously.
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says to Ferriter, "You truffle tosser."
You say, "Turtle tucker?"
You say, "Treant tickler?"
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "Toothy taster."
Evie Melloryn says, "Oh my."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "I think you have to be
full of bull**** to be a truffle tosser."
You say, "Tinkle Taker."
Iniar grins mischievously at you.
Grinning also, you say, "This is fun."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "You only have to be full of booze for that one."
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "Tart twists."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "Treant tickler!"
Iniar grins mischievously at Ferriter.
You snicker softly to yourself.
You say to Iniar, "That's what we used to call you."
Iniar giggles happily.
Iniar Nullheart, the Onion Knight says, "Now I'm a Tornado Tussler."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "From this day forward all
defillers will now be known as Treant ticklers!"
You have emoted: Oystir cannot stand his giggles, and covers his mouth with both
hands as he issues high-pitched titters and sinks back against a wall.
Iniar pats you in a friendly manner.
Iniar drifts away from the conversation, lost in his daydreams.
You have emoted: Oystir draws deep breaths and wipes the back of his mouth with one
hand, careful to replant the churata there.
You say, "Oh my."
You brush your hair aside.
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "We will be like "ha ha ha
ha ha you silly TT's"."
"Ummmm," you say uncertainly.
Evie Melloryn says, "You three are quite silly."
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says to you, "No?"
You say to Ferriter, "Personally, I enjoy a fine couple of TT's when the opportunity arises."
Evie smiles wryly, a look of amusement
passing over her features.
You say, "I would hate to soil that with uh, Defliers or Demonickers or whatever profession.."
Ferriter ponders the situation.
Enigmatic Blackthorn, Ferriter Lorianis, Kaze'Ogama says, "Fair point."
You nod solemnly.
In which Thoregg learns that some questions should not be asked, and perhaps a bit about manners..
(Sect): Thoregg says, "May I ask you a question, demon?"
You walk west to 'Wastelands near a hollow'.
Wastelands near a hollow.
Towering mirrors facing inward, an altar of the Unspeakable looms here. There is a group of 4 pinches of saltpetre here. Shadows swirl around the towering form of Rhysor the Demon Emperor as he tries feebly to beat against the barriers of the pentagram that contains him. A sleek black hound stands stone still, ears perked and alert. Thoregg Aertsen is here. He is holding a simple leather-bound book in his left hand.
You see exits leading north, east, southwest, and up.
You nod your head at Thoregg politely.
(Sect): Thoregg says, "It has intrigued me a while, if it were to come to a situation where you had to pick between your own kind and ours, which would it be?"
Thoregg gives you a nod of acknowledgement.
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "Consider what I've done to my husband, and what I'll do to either of our kinds that draw my ire."
You look thoughtfully at Rhysor the Demon Emperor's profile, pondering the situation.
Swirling shadows encompass the form of Rhysor, the Demon Emperor. Barely discernible without careful observation, he seems completely engulfed in the consuming shadows. However, upon closer inspection, the spiked outline of fullplate can be seen behind it, glistening ominously with a slick, crimson substance that seems to remain fresh regardless of time passed. The armour gives shape to a menacing figure, tall and broad in stature. A large helm sits atop his broad shoulders, with twisted horns protruding from the shroud of shadows to end in menacingly sharp tips. The only noticeable feature of the Demon Emperor is his glaring eyes, beady circles of burning crimson that peer from behind his closed visor. In each bear paw of a hand, curved sabres hang precariously, waiting to strike down any that would oppose him.
(Sect): Thoregg says, "Which would it be? Demons or us?"
Fleecy white cloud banks shift across the firmament of night, the glitter of the brightest stars still shining through.
Thoregg leaves to the east.
Your enhanced senses inform you that Thoregg has entered Beneath a rotting tree nearby.
Thoregg arrives from the east.
Your enhanced senses inform you that Thoregg has entered Wastelands near a hollow nearby.
Thoregg kneels humbly on the ground, uttering prayers to the Gods.
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "The one that does not assume to demand answers from me, who is not in a position to do so."
A disorienting sensation descends upon you, and when it lifts, your body feels different.
Midnight tolls and a new day comes to the land.
It is the 11th day of Aequitas, in the year 77 AM.
You say to Thoregg, "I would ask nicely, if possible."
You smile wryly, quite clearly amused.
Thoregg grins mischievously.
(Sect): Thoregg says, "A woman with no motive is a woman no one suspects. Except me."
You say to Thoregg, "I think that was the wrong answer, but I'll let Her be the judge of that."
You step down off of a baleful kelpie stallion named Thoros.
You lean comfortably against a baleful kelpie stallion named Thoros.
(Sect): Thoregg says, "How do I obtain the knowledge out of you?"
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "I could gladly shove you in the pentagram with my husband and you two may brood together, if you'd like."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "You are bluffing."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "You wouldn't risk your husband's life into my hands."
You say to Thoregg, "Calling Her bluff might not be the best course of action."
Thoregg Aertsen says, "It might not be. But, we will see."
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "I grow tired of your assumptions and ignorance, Thoregg. You do not know me, nor will you, should your youthful ignorance continue to cause you to speak in such a manner to me."
A pleasant warmth soothes your body and mind.
Thoregg Aertsen says to you, "See?"
You frown at Thoregg.
You say to Thoregg, "Disrespectful behavior. It's not looked at kindly."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "I am confident we can conclude a mutually beneficial pact Esmyrsia."
You tell Esmyrsia, the Demon Empress, "I'd be glad to toss him in with Rhysor myself, should You request it, Mistress."
Thoregg Aertsen says, "Come on. It's just a demon after all."
Racking your body with the abyssal, distorted echoes of her voice, Esmyrsia tells you, "It grows more tempting the more he speaks, I will admit."
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "Oh?"
A breeze picks up momentarily, swaying the plantlife surrounding you and wafting the organic odor of decaying things.
Thoregg Aertsen says to you, "And of what benefit is this power to us yet? As I see it, she is hoarding it all for herself perhaps to commit a genocide someday."
You say to Thoregg, "For as long as their have been mortals and Demons, pacts have been made between them. It is often true that the demons would extort more from the mortals than the mortals won from the demons. She is not one of those, it seems."
You tell Esmyrsia, the Demon Empress, "I am attempting to educate him on his errors in judgment. He seems to believe that You are planning a genocide."
You say to Thoregg, "I cannot say what She has planned, but I do believe it would be against Her interest to slaughter Her 'subjects' - if the term is used loosely - as you say."
Racking your body with the abyssal, distorted echoes of her voice, Esmyrsia tells you, "I wonder why he lingers if he is so fearful of what I will do."
You tell Esmyrsia, the Demon Empress, "Curiousity is a powerful motivator, perhaps. Moths are often attracted to flames."
Thoregg Aertsen says to you, "A demon would enjoy slaughtering her subjects once they are no use to her."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "All I ask is that you let me into some of your secrets in return for whatever is it you desire."
Racking your body with the abyssal, distorted echoes of her voice, Esmyrsia tells you, "A mouthy moth."
You say to Thoregg, "A lowly demon, but I believe I am correct in saying that She is above Her kind."
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "What makes you think I am a Demon Lady that can be bartered with? If I were one of the Demons you know, your kind would of been able to summon me a long time ago."
You tell Esmyrsia, the Demon Empress, "I am thinking of convincing him to take a vow of silence. Someone I once ran into was fond of collecting the tongues of her enemies, and I think I might take up the practice."
Racking your body with the abyssal, distorted echoes of her voice, Esmyrsia tells you, "I've already obtained Lazal's tongue, perhaps I should consider my own collection as well."
You look thoughtfully at Thoregg's profile, pondering the situation.
(Sect): Thoregg says, "You need our help don't you? Without us, you would have to do all the dirty work yourself. Evidently, it doesn't appeal to you much."
Sudden movement yields a glimpse of a swamp snake before it darts out of sight.
(Sect): Thoregg says, "Or perhaps it is just that you enjoy being imperative."
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "I can show you who handles my 'dirty' work if you'd like."
(Sect): You say, "I seem to remember something about a hound, though I haven't seen the creature myself."
You tell Esmyrsia, the Demon Empress, "One has to start somewhere when beginning a collection."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "Most gladly."
You say to Thoregg, "If you play with fire, you will get burned, my friend."
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "You have done nothing for me, Thoregg. Do not consider yourself so important."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "I've never had the chance to prove myself to you. Unless, a probably lethal experiment that I profit nothing off is considered a fair chance."
Thoregg Aertsen says to you, "I am willing to take that chance. Like our ancestors."
(Sect): Esmyrsia says, "When you find a way to make yourself useful to me, you can attempt to ask me questions again. Until then, I have heard enough of your attempting to speak to me in the manner of which you have. You joined MY Sect, and you can certainly worm your way to the Leechwood if it does not fit your needs."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "You told me to take chances and learn from my ancestors. Here I am dealing with such a powerful demon like you and taking a risk."
(Sect): Thoregg says, "So which is it?"
A circular, mirrored void appears, its surface rippling violently as a mass of tentacles writhe and grasp at its edges hungrily, before dissipating into a shrouded haze that reveals the presence of Esmyrsia.
She is followed by Esmyrsia's two-headed hellhound.
You kneel before Esmyrsia, swearing your allegiance to her.
You watch, vaguely intrigued, as a two-headed hellhound lunges onto Thoregg, viciously ripping it's prey apart, blood and gore flinging from its jowls. When little more than shreds of a corpse remains, both the hound's massive heads look up, maws oozing with bloody slobber, and it's tail begins to wag happily.
Esmyrsia's two-headed hellhound has slain Thoregg.
This monstrosity of a beast is a hulking replica of a deathknights hound, barring its rather noticeable neck that splits into two to house separate heads. Nearly the size of a large horse, its brindled coat is marred with undeath, with patches of flesh rotted away showing various bone and muscle all over its body. Razored claws gleam wickedly from its bear-like paws, and freshly splattered blood mars his paws and legs, evidence of a fresh hunt. A suit of bone armour encases the hound, made like scales that slide smoothly against one another with the beasts motions. Blood and dried entrails cling to its surface, evidence of its brutal tendencies. Each monstrous head of the beast is different in appearance, one having two white eyes and lacking pupils, the other having dark ebon eyes. Strands of bloody saliva ooze from their maws and stick to anything they come in contact with. Pointed ears swivel in response to the slightest of sounds, and when honed in on potential threat, this hellhounds heads respond as one.
She is a radiant diabolus. An air of raw demonic power seems to wrap around the form of this ancient demon Lady, illuminating her vibrantly as her imposing figure demands your attention. She appears to take the form of a strikingly beautiful tanari woman, her skin flawless and pale, almost glowing with power. She wears next to nothing, her voluptuous curves and female figure exposed to allure the wandering eye to her presence. While oft her body is but the elegant silhouette of a young woman, there are moments that lead the imagination to eldritch horror - a visage split by ravening eyes flashes open to reveal where shadowy tentacles writhe, hornets creeping and crawling between the eye sockets, before dissipating into insubstantial haze, only to be replaced by the transcendent countenance of a blushing maiden. Little more than what looks like a thin scarf of crimson silk covers her, wrapped lazily around her to modestly hide her form. Countless pieces of gold and onyx rings and bracelets adorn her hands and wrists, while heavy necklaces of similar creation drape down her neck, her apparel consisting of crimson and gold hues. Atop her head is a mess of writhing tangles of shadow serpents, countless heads and bodies writhing in all directions before dissipating and reappearing elsewhere on her head. To count their numbers would be frivolous, as they continuously slither, giving the visage of her hair being a separate living entity from a distance.
Esmyrsia, the Demon Empress says, "He can gather whichever answer he chooses from that."
Esmyrsia's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say to Esmyrsia, "Personal reflection would be good for him."
Esmyrsia, the Demon Empress has bestowed her favour upon you. It will last 24 hours.
Esmyrsia nods her head in agreement.
The serpents atop Esmyrsia's head begin to twist amongst one another as a darkness descends upon her. Tentacles and hornets emerge from its depths, writhing possessively around her form before dissipating in a haze, leaving silence in her wake.
She is followed by Esmyrsia's two-headed hellhound.
You pick up the corpse of Thoregg.
You place the corpse of Thoregg on the altar of the Sect of the Unspeakable and chant a few words. The altar glows softly for a while and a blue fire envelops it briefly. As the fire consumes its sacrifice, you feel your faith rising.
Your sacrifice has contributed 16 belief to the Sect of the Unspeakable.
You tell Lady Raya Aertsen, Blighted Seer, "Your son is worth 16 belief."
You tell Lady Raya Aertsen, Blighted Seer, "I think you need to feed him better."
Raya tells you, "Noted."
You bow respectfully to the altar of the Sect of the Unspeakable.
You climb up on a baleful kelpie stallion named Thoros.
You reach out and touch the map before you. Your surroundings spin as you melt effortlessly into the image.
Back in Stavenn...
Lady Raya Aertsen, Blighted Seer asks Thoregg, "What did we just learn?"
Lady Raya Aertsen, Blighted Seer says, "Besides you need to eat more."