Behaviour showcase

Given the new promo, there are some really awesome sounding behaviors. I want the most awesomest, and I'm sure other people want them too, so could you dudes post the name of the profession behavior and the attack messages that come with them? We can then get Iniar to aznate these and post them on the wiki for all to see.
Thanks guys.
Thanks guys.
With your flame-touched words, a rotting direwolf's liver combust within his stomach, forcing him to vomit.
Basic Weapon Attacks: Frosty
Ice courses through Iroth's veins as you slash him with a mercurial sabre.
A mercurial sabre becomes encased in ice before you slash Iroth.
Ice trails a mercurial sabre's path as you slash Iroth.
Basic Weapon Attacks: Poised:
You gracefully slice Iroth's flesh with your a mercurial sabre.
You effortlessly cut the skin off of Iroth's body with a mercurial sabre.
In a single sleek movement, you slide a mercurial sabre across Iroth's body.
The basic weapon attacks affect DSL, as an FYI.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
A gibbering ghoul begins vomiting as you speak chilling words towards him..
You send a chill throughout a gibbering ghoul's liver, forcing him to double over in pain.
A madcap zombie jester screams in pain and crumples to the ground.
The sound of your voice shreds a madcap zombie jester's organs, and he screams in agony.
AFAIK, your liver certainly does not reside in your stomach.
I just didn't want to complain about behaviours.
With your flame-touched words, a rotting direwolf's liver combust within his stomach, forcing him to vomit.
What likely happened here is that the bard word managed to teleport (quantum resonance) the liver (or maybe just a lobe) into the stomach of the direwolf. Once there, the liver (or piece) was exposed to the stomach acids and digestive enzymes that began to react with reactive metabolites from the direwolf's previous meal (or lifestyle). This lead to the rapid production of gasses within the confines of the stomach. We also have to remember that these words were hot (temperature, not saucy) so we're actually increasing temperature AND pressure (aka, a bomb). It is also likely that some of these gaseous compounds could have been ignited by the hot bardic terminology and the resulting explosion devastated the stomach of the poor direwolf. Now, you would think that the explosion would preclude someone from vomiting as their is now a gaping hole in their stomach. You'd be right. The writer is just taking liberties and only focusing on the projectile gore that was forcefully expelled up through esophagus and out of the mouth as a result of the explosion.
I didn't think there would be that much thought into!
Septus says, "Not Ashani!"