A shout-out to a couple great folks
I'd like to send a shout-out to Cyprus and Kavar. I've only been here in Imperian a few days, and already I've met a very nice person whose character is now my character's mentor and who has expressed a great willingness to RP with/help me, even if scheduling said RP/help time is necessary. I've also met a Divine who RP'd with me. Said RP was short but super. It's the first time I've ever RP'd directly with a Divine before on any IRE game, so wow. 

Thank you to these folks for reaching out to me and being awesome in my general direction. I hope to make much of my character's career here on Imperian.
@Nilo for being awesome and inclusive
@Riatan for being inspiring
@Ihsan for helping equip me and roleplaying every time I see you
@Kamaylie for always have random answers in ring
@Grantz - Voted “scariest teddy bear in Antioch”.
@Kamaylie - Such a sweetheart. Always warm and friendly.
@Hyperionus - Much bro.
@Rokas - Your daily boss runs are super awesome.
@Nilo - You’re hilarious. Leader of Galtnanigans.
@Phaith, @Roque, @Vesel, and other newbies - Don’t leave!
@Kamaylie - the most patient and helpful Farah I could have asked for
@Dagobert - a transcendent in sharing artifacts when you go to rest
@Rokas - for the boss hunts, but more importantly for my first taste of Warden's Milk
@Ciro and @Jasryth - amazing companions, always willing to kill me in my quest for greater achievements
@Jhin and @Kalynthari - you do a great job of keeping the Newbie channel alive and lively
@Cordilia & @Nilo - the most willing test dummies I could ever ask for
@Galt - the first time I witnessed a City raid was when you singlehandedly invaded Antioch just because you could
A list far too short to reflect how many wonderful people play this game. Keep up the fun times!
I'm actually from Carrion Fields as a Half-Drow Tundra Ranger which Myu is based off of.
My boyfriend introduced me to Imperian saying it was free to play (and probably more appealing and less overwhelming than Achaea or Aetolia) and everyone has been so patient, and putting up with me getting lost or confused. So I really wanted to say thank you to everyone who is putting up with a girl who usually lets D20s do all her combat for her!
@Septus @Nilo @Cordilia @Kamaylie @Ryc @Rokas Thanks so much!
@Kabaal also killed me good! I was just calling for help while he was apparently devouring me (gross)
I also met a nice guy and his wife at the Dunes, but I forget their names. Thank you for teaching me about doubloons!
Sorry if I forgot anyone else, I'm really bad with names, but your help is really appreciated while I stumble about!
I don't have meteor anymore.
Most of Antioch's most glorious victories came through the velotrain(*) I'll have you know!
* Situationally subbed for the crowtrain based on era.
I just don't place a very high value on my life.