Cult and Sect Expansion
IMPORTANT: This is a draft edition of the system and is very subject to change based on your feedback. Please give feedback. 

We will be adding new features to sects/cults that revolve around shrines and sanctums. Shrines will be built outward from your temple and will house powerful relics that will give your cult or sect special powers. As your web of shrines grows, battles will begin over shrine placement and the relics they contain. We want this system to include people that like to PvP, PvE, or just RP as much as possible. This way people can help or contribute in ways they enjoy to play the game.
The purpose of the system is to:
- Make sects/cults more interesting.
- Provide fun new features (relic powers and sanctums)
- Create a PvP mechanic (shrine wars)
- Create a RP mechanic (negotiating shrine placements between enemies and allies)
- Create a market for holy relics, comms, and other shrine items.
- Add more value to bashing and questing (relics, shrine items, etc)
Remove any ideas from your minds about the ways shrines used to work here or on other games. We want to do something new, and I considered naming them something else, but I feel like the word shrine embodies them best. There are some similarities of course, but we want to make it as new as possible.
- In general shrines will take a good amount of time to build up and tear down. We are shooting for something that will take 24 hours to do (if there is no resistance). This will allow people to fight back.
- Cult and Sect members will be able to build shrines outward from their altar.
- Cults will have a limit (not sure what) to the number of shrines they can build.
- Shrines must be within 5 rooms of the altar or an existing shrine with 300 points or more (see shrine strength in BUILDING SHRINES below)
- Shrines that are cut off from the altar (not within 3 rooms of the altar or a shrine with at least 300 points) will slowly fall apart.
- Shrines have special powers based on the relic they protect. (See RELICS below)
- When a shrine is destroyed, the relic is ruined.
- Shrines increase the number of rooms the org can have in their Sanctum. (See SANCTUMS below)
Building shrines is expensive, however they should be fairly hard to kill off. We want killing off a shrine to be quite an accomplishment.
- Shrines are created using the following items.
- Relic: Each relic has a different power that will give the shrine a special power.
- Belief: Building the shrine will have an initial belief cost.
- Normal Comms: Initial basic comm cost (stone, wood, cloth). Working on this still.
- Special Comms: Shrines require four special comm parts to 'power' in order to complete.
- Blood : Gained from PK
- Spirit : Gained from PvE
- Virtue : Gained from Questing
- Fortune: Normal gold
- Special Comms
- Each part of the shrine can be strengthened from 1 to 100 points
- A shrine must be at 200 total points for the relic to be effective.
- A shrine must be at 300 points to be expanded from.
- A shrine at 400 points (max) will require twice the faith to defile.
- Blood, Spirit and Virtue shrine parts are earned instead of experience, at a configurable rate. For example, a player can turn off PK experience gain and will get 'blood comms' instead of PK XP. Alternatvely they can set it to 50% or anything like that. This is the same for all the XP types. Fortune will just take gold coins.
- These new special comms can be traded and sold to other players.
- Shrines cannot be build within the influence of another shrine that does not belong to it.
- Basically the rooms your shrine influences will fall under the ownership of the sect/cult. Let the fight begin.
The basic idea is that shrines are NOT easy to kill off. Killing off a shrine will take a coordinated effort via PvP and PvE in most cases.
- The battle for shrines will revolve around the faith that has been placed in the shrine.
- When first built, the shrine will be at 50% faith (working on a good starting point)
- Sanctifying and defiling has a faith cost.
- Players use their faith to build or defile a shrine.
- When a shrine hits 0% it is destroyed.
- Shrines can only be defiled or sanctified once per hour.
- Shrines can be DEFILED once an hour. More often if it has been sanctified in that time.
- Shrines can be SANCTIFIED once an hour. More often if is has been defiled in that time.
- Sanctity or defile will reduce or increase its faith by 5%.
- Both commands will take 30 seconds to complete. Being attacked (or attacking) will stop the action.
- Each shrine require belief per game month to maintain. The more shrines your cult/sect has, the more belief it will take to maintain them.
- If your sect/cult does not have belief, your shrines will slowly lose faith.
Relics are placed in shrines and give them all a special power. All relics have different powers. Important: How relics are generated and their powers is going to evolve quite a bit.
- Relics are obtained via a variety of methods.
- Killing boss mobs
- Completing quests
- Rare drops from 'normal' mobs
- Purchases from traveling salesmen (mobs)
- More common relics may appear/reset in certain areas on occasion.
- Relic rarity is based on their powers. Some of the relics will be very, very rare.
- Relic powers can have multiple levels, strengthening the effect of that power. Rarity is a factor of power combination and level combination.
- Some relics are created by combining other relics.
- Relics can be traded and sold to other players.
This is an initial list which will grow quite a bit before we release the system. Even as I am typing this, we are talking about a more complicated system that revolves around only being able to find weaker relics, and more powerful relics can only be found via combining various relics. Important: How relics are generated and their powers is going to evolve quite a bit.
- Web wide
- Reduced belief upkeep per shrine. Having a ton of this makes the drain go negative, and actually gains you belief/day.
- Extra belief when sacrificing
- Reduction in belief required to unlock rituals
- Reduce the cost to perform a certain ritual
- Caravan Speed
- Larger Sanctum
- Rooms influenced by this shrine
- Allow the use of altar-rituals within influence of this shrine
- Health regen within influence of this shrine
- Mana regen within influence of this shrine
- Increase skill levels
- Crafting speed
- Harvest speed
- Fish weight
- Private rooms
- Sense travel of enemies
- Block enemy communication (except says)
- Can hear all talking in range
- Leveled stat gain or loss
- Celerity effect
- Slow enemy movement
- Shrine Room only
- Travel
- Starburst/Redemption (not sure how that would work yet)
- Increase/Decrease res time
- Balance and EQ speed/slow (that's very powerful, not sure how it would work)
Sanctums a special sect areas that can only be accessed by the sect members. They can be infiltrated by other cults/sects, but it will be fairly hard and really only possible when a player entered their sanctum and is not paying attention. We forsee these as areas that are expansions of the mythos of the sect and can be filled with creatures, special mobs, and quests if players desire.
- Sanctums are accessed via the temple.
- Entering a Sanctum will cost faith.
- Cults get 10 rooms. Sects get 25.
- Rooms can be built via player input at a faith cost to the cult/sect.
- Cults/Sects get a portal point for every few shrines they have (not sure on the number)
- Portal points lead to different sub areas within the Sanctum.
- Subareas via portal points are 10 rooms
- Portal points will become inactive if a cult/sect loses shrines.
- Cults/Sects can submit mobs for their area.
- Faith is spent when placing mobs or a spawner to create the mobs.
- Quests can be placed on mobs, they must be done by an Entity and only for sects.
- Cults will be given access to 5 room temples.
- Add more environments to temple building.
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
Sect rituals are order miracles. They're better. I thought this was obvious? My faith in my x,y,z gives me great strength. (mostly because I excel at killing)
Honestly, I'm a big fan of entities. The recruitment phase is really cool, even if it's metagamed a lot of the time. I've had more fun with 3 months of Olanre than 5 years of 4 versions of Nemesis. There's always a back story to your cult. I love telling the creation story of the Leechwood. I also love hearing the other stories of the creation because no two stories are the same and it adds a lot of depth to the cult/sect since everyone had a very personal experience. My biggest 'meh' with the sect system is after we court an entity and ascend an entity, there's really kind of a "what now?" period. All the cults I've seen have really hit kind of a stagnation period that sort of down spiraled the cult. Conquest and Hunt already self terminated out of it and Leechwood is on the edge. What can we do that's fun not only for me as a player, but for the player on the other side of the entity. When you think about it, that's kind of a hard question.
Sure, I've got my theories on why some sects fail, but hey. Who cares.
-That being said, the shrine system is going to favor super sects for awhile. Once Conquest gets 30% of the world, they're going to be the team to buy into. You're going to see your min-maxxers coalesce into the hive with all of the toys (just like we saw a migration to AM). Just a heads up. I'm not really sure this is a bad thing, but it's something you should be aware of going into it.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
My one big concern is maintenance. Specifically, I don't want Imperian to end up feeling like something like WoW where I HAVE to make time to do my dailies or I'll fall hopelessly behind, and I don't want it to end up as something where I end up feeling like I need to dragoon sect members into constant bashing because otherwise we'll fall behind competitively.
Also, I really like Caelya's idea. If some of the entities were shells that would ally with "neutral" factions like the liches or the horde or some other NPC group, there would be more room for entities to lose to other entities without getting the player feelings as involved.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."