Re: Improving Imperian
I would be very tempted to attenuate my valentine's day plans in part if there were a good enough reason; say, the long anticipated release of a set of changes I've been giddy about since their appro… (View Post)7 -
Re: Improving Imperian Combat
I'm in summoner because all of my other options aren't tanky enough to justify using; alas, I'm discussing the Demonic circle, not the Summoner circle. Thank you for your valuable c… (View Post)6 -
Re: Classleads 2014/2015
I'm going to assume that claymores will nerf themselves a bit here and that I don't need to labor over a classlead for it, until proven otherwise. (I will also assume that hammering pun was intention… (View Post)2 -
Re: New Artifacts Wishlist
I would take a shorter equilibrium. Heck, I would even take non-decay in this case, so nobody will ever catch me randomly peering around the room again. EDIT: I have a lot of tokens… (View Post)1