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Member, Immortal


  • Hide Game

    A hide game is like a hunt game in reverse. In a hunt game you go around and try to collect the items. In a hide game you try to go everywhere the items are not.  (Warning, the items may move around!)
  • Here is a tenatative schedule of the regular events for the ToA.
  • Wait, people get paid for this?
  • Player built rooms (houses, shops, etc) do not count towards generating.  In general you should only generate if you are somewhere people can attack you as a champion.
    in Clueless Comment by Dec April 2019
  • The bonus depends on what other bonuses that you have.  25% is the minimum for champion, 100% is the maximum.
  • A few general things:

    1) If you believe your issue disappeared without knowing why, please send me a message or email.

    2) HELP PK and the announce posts have a fair amount of information in them on PK. In particular
  • Curious, what games' rules do you like?  (Not the name of the game, the actual rules)
  • So, this all is subject to change without notice and all that, but here are some things you can win at the different levels.  Note that you're not going to win *just* a gladiator ticket even though that's on the list.  THose are more like add ons.
  • Arena contests with predetermined winners would generally be a no, but holding a lot of arena tournaments to give people a lot of opportunities would be fine.
  • Hard to answer in the abstract because what people considers "abuse" varies widely.  In general though, if you are generating anything of value in a way that was not the intent of the system, then you are on shaky ground. 
  • (Quote) How dare you imply that there might be bugs!
  • I didn't mean to say Eoghan was out of the picture, I was just saying that he wasn't handling those other things regularly anymore.  He will continue to annoy you in the future.

    I'm not directly in the know, but I'm p…
  • It was changed as part of a classlead.

    I'm pretty sure the strange nature w…
  • I just added two new approvers yesterday. Hopefully that will help some. Also looking to see if we can find a way to reduce the number of approvals, but there are a lot of other things on the to do list.
  • (Quote)
    There's a large number of the decisions that are done, but I'm holding off on saying what they are until they get coded. It's not as exciting, but I'm hoping that it avoids needing to walk back any decisions if it turns out they …
  • Thanks @vadi!

    Can you also consider adding some HiDPI scaling out of the box in linux?  (See h…
  • It's a known issue that started this weekend for some people.  I don't know much more than there is someone looking into it.
  • (Quote) Yes, this should have fixed that as well.  
    in Clueless Comment by Dec December 2018
  • (Quote)

    Seeing the actual bleed amount to the exact number clued me in to what was going on.  The cause was a variable underflow.  5957 * 11 is the maximum value that can be stored in a two byte unsigned number.  T…
    in Clueless Comment by Dec December 2018
  • (Quote) Are you asking me?  Because generally people bite my head off if I suggest that they pay for anything.  :smile:
  • That was an annoying bug to find, but I think I finally found the cause of the crazy spawning.  It shouldn't happen in the future, but you may have areas that are still stacked like crazy.  If you find one send me or Eoghan a message and we can rese…
  • (Quote) Renegade really didn't have enough data to read too much into it.
  • Bashing Damage.  Keep in mind that critical hits are going to make this number higher than just your regular hit damage.

  • Ok, new data, this time adjusted to Imperian health style

  • It's worth noting that the reason that credits can still be bought for Imperian is because people asked for them to remain.  They were originally going to be shut off altogether to eliminate any suggestion of the "free to play" model.  Making credit…
  • It's not about why "they're" bad though.  I don't care how bad a person is, I care about how bad their ideas are (or good).  My point is if you think the mechanic being proposed is stupid, say the mechanic is stupid.  Don't bring in what someone's m…
  • There are so many things that can be improved with engineers (and many other classes).  The devil, as they say, is in the details.  I encourage everyone with ideas about specific changes to think them through and submit classleads.  Or add a comment…
    in Engineer Comment by Dec October 2018
  • Even when we try, we are almost all incapable of separating the concepts of good or fair from what is good for us.  Feeling frustrated is fine, especially if someone isn't even trying to be fair.  But let's keep this corner a place where we discuss …
  • 525 was decided as follows:

    We will have Nuarinyu give ignorance. We will replace stupidity on sketches to give ignorance as well. This allows for some changes without also increasing the depth of their affliction queue
  • Statistics are subject to interpretation, and it's hard to separate the classes from the people playing those classes.  The point here isn't for the statistics to be some definitive source of "truth" but to be a common point of reference for discuss…